Blackout is a Cyber-Spy-Hacking-Game that takes place in the modern universe. An unknown group of hackers hacked into a city power plant, causing one of the greatest threats in modern times: a city-wide blackout!
The consequence is the total collapse of the modern world as we know it. Unknown to the populace, the players' town is currently running on emergency power. You have a limited amount of time to stop the hackers, restore power, and prevent the greatest catastrophe in modern history!
Applications: Team Buildings, Incentive, Outdoor Training
Three main power nodes and a secret emergency generator can control the city's power grid. The team must find these power nodes and activate them. The team has to find the secret emergency generator and restart it to restore power to their city. As this is a mission of utmost importance for the whole world, the city is full of agents from different organizations and stakeholders who are on the same mission as the team or double agents who want to stop them. To protect the team against possible opponents. We've equipped each team with a new unique ability: Hack!
Throughout the game, the teams will solve different challenges with which they will accumulate points. The missions that must be overcome are of all kinds, from enigmas, photographic evidence and above all challenges with Augmented Reality that make this activity an unforgettable team experience that mixes technology and exciting narrative and storytelling.
Participants can see the ranking of the competition from the iPad at all times, that is, both their position and that of their peers. At the end of the game there will be a winning team that will be the one that manages to solve more missions and visit more locations.
In addition to the iPad as a device that drives and guides the adventure, it is possible to have other optional materials, especially for the Augmented Reality tests. To do this, it is possible to hire some attractive secret agent briefcases that contain different utensils to help solve the different challenges that will arise, such as a fake cell phone, passport, flashlight, secret fan, etc.
More than 100 national and international clients have played with their teams in some of our team buildings from 10 to 1,000 participants, leading companies in sectors such as technology, banking, insurance, pharm, consumption, industry, consulting and many more.