Walk Together

Walk Together is a completely virtual team building activity where participants must walk to unlock new challenges. It focuses on the well-being of the staff, giving them reasons to get up from their workstation and walk. The game is collaborative and each participant contributes to their team's score.

Game Theme

Our goal with Walk Together is to offer a combination of remote team building and a health program designed for those teams with a heavy telework load that avoids mental fatigue and sedentary lifestyle and at the same time invites staff to move and have a goal. common with their peers. With the help of our app, participants must walk to earn badges and unlock new challenges. It focuses on the well-being of staff, giving them reason to put work aside and walk.

Game Features

Applications: Team building

Number of participants2-5000
Game time: 1h up to 1 month
Customization & Branding: yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Cities: Any city
Benefits: Team cohesion and well-being
It includes: Game programming, staff / monitors

Walking together towards the goal

The 'Step Count' challenges use the mobile phone's built-in pedometer to count the distance traveled by the participants.
Add a new layer of interaction to your team-building activities and more benefits for the participants, providing a key element of well-being.
The event organizer can see in the back-office the distances traveled by teams and individuals. This is the perfect challenge to see who is willing to go the extra mile to help their team.




The game can be on for 1 day, 1 week, or even 1 month.

When the game is on for several days, the participants can complete a few challenges each working day in their own time, at their own pace.

There are several assignments to choose from:

• Questions (multiple-choice, 2 to 6 answer options)

• Open questions (must be assessed)

• Photo assignments

• Video assignments

• Mini games, such as memory, mix & match, guess the word

All these assignments can be fully personalized with your own content

(texts, logos, colors, photo, and video messages). Think of personalized video messages when a question is right or wrong. But also intro messages from colleagues or managers at the start or end of the game.

Collaboration and team effort

Collaboration is another important factor of this team activity. Participants can share the badges they earn by walking. This means that a player who walks a lot can share his badges with another player who doesn't walk as much and thus help the team to earn points faster. They can also communicate via chat to come up with the best strategies. The team that works best together will get the best result.

They trust us

More than 100 national and international clients have played with their teams in some of our team buildings from 10 to 1,000 participants, leading companies in sectors such as technology, banking, insurance, pharm, consumption, industry, consulting and many more.

Request a demo

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